Termékek a gyártó számára (44)

Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Sidergamma offre l`opportunità di fornire materiale lavorato secondo disegno del cliente. Contattateci per un preventivo senza impegno.
MULTIRIPPER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

MULTIRIPPER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

MULTIRIPPER is particularly suitable for breaking up and scarifying soil, uprooting roots and extracting stones. Available in various sizes depending on use. TON. MACHINE:1,5 - 14,5 TON.
Elisir All in One Superfood 30ml

Elisir All in One Superfood 30ml

L'Elisir All in One Superfood 30ml è un trattamento esclusivo progettato per prendersi cura della delicata zona perioculare. Formulato con zafferano e acido ialuronico, questo elisir offre un'azione antiossidante e lenitiva, contribuendo a migliorare l'aspetto della pelle. La sua texture leggera si assorbe rapidamente, rendendolo ideale per l'uso quotidiano. Utilizzando questo elisir, la pelle appare visibilmente più giovane e radiosa, con una riduzione dei segni di stanchezza e invecchiamento. Privo di parabeni e siliconi, l'Elisir All in One Anti-age* Superfood è adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle e può essere utilizzato quotidianamente. Con questo prodotto, ogni giorno è un'opportunità per rivelare una pelle più sana e luminosa, trasformando la tua routine di bellezza in un'esperienza di lusso.


I bottali di legno sono prodotti e utilizzati in tutti i processi di conceria nella parte umida, come rinverdimento / calcinaio, concia a cromo, concia wet white, concia vegetale, riconcia e tintura. Alla Sida è possibile trovare il bottale giusto per ogni applicazione in conceria. Sono centinaia i bottali in legno installati nel polo industriale mondiale della concia nel corso della storia dell'azienda. Per i prodotti in catalogo viene utilizzato solo legname africano di prima qualità e perfettamente stagionato.
STÚDIÓ ÉS TECHNIKAI FEJLESZTÉS - Műszaki iroda új projektek kutatására és fejlesztésére

STÚDIÓ ÉS TECHNIKAI FEJLESZTÉS - Műszaki iroda új projektek kutatására és fejlesztésére

Il nostro ufficio tecnico elabora e sviluppa, mediante software tridimensionale CAD, sia i progetti propri che quelli dei Clienti. Esperienza, know-how, tecnologie all'avanguardia e risorse umane specializzate, ci consentono di supportare il committente in ogni fase dello sviluppo di un progetto. Operiamo in piena sinergia con il Cliente offrendo un servizio di co-design e industrializzazione del prodotto in grado di ottimizzare i costi di produzione, mantenendo inalterate le caratteristiche tecniche e funzionali richieste.
GSD RESPECT - Napvédelem

GSD RESPECT - Napvédelem

RISPETTO PER LA PELLE con selezionati filtri fotostabili per la protezione dai raggi UVA e UVB uniti ad attivi, molti di origine vegetale, per favorire l’idratazione e la bellezza della cute e con formule dermatologicamente testate e nichel testate. RISPETTO PER L’AMBIENTE con l’utilizzo di tubi prodotti con materiale I’m greenTM derivante dalla canna da zucchero, di carta riciclata certificata FSC per l’astuccio esterno e con la scelta di evitare ingredienti discussi anche dal punto di vista dell’impatto sull’ecosistema marino, i trattamenti di protezione solare GSD Respect sono formulati senza Oxybenzone e Octinoxate conforme al “Trattato coralli Hawaii”. In tutta la linea, texture in crema morbide e leggere, senza “effetto bianco”, non ungono e si assorbono rapidamente, avvolgono la pelle con un delicato profumo marino, la loro applicazione sarà un piacere per la tua pelle. Pelle protetta e bellezza preservata.
Gumihevederes Alváz G5 - Gumihevederes Alvázak

Gumihevederes Alváz G5 - Gumihevederes Alvázak

Sottocarro Cingolato in Gomma G5 - Sottocarri Cingolati in Gomma
Gyógyszerészeti Orvostudomány - Speciális Forgácsolt Alkatrészek

Gyógyszerészeti Orvostudomány - Speciális Forgácsolt Alkatrészek

Componenti meccanici torniti a disegno del settore medicale e farmaceutico - Particolari e minuterie a disegno conto terzi realizzati da materiali ferrosi e non ferrosi, mediante lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione di tornitura e fresatura su macchine utensili CNC torni automatici, centri di lavoro e frese Realizzazione conto terzi di minuteria a disegno conto terzi da 2 mm a 40 mm, particolari lavorati da barra fino a 80 mm e particolari torniti di ripresa fino a 300 mm di diametro ricavati da spezzoni o fusioni. Applicazione: componenti metallici e plastici a disegno per il settore dell'industria medicale e farmaceutica
Ovális edény

Ovális edény

Oval Crucible
Elektronikus Táblák Fejlesztése

Elektronikus Táblák Fejlesztése

Lo sviluppo di una scheda elettronica, rappresenta il passaggio da un semplice schema elettrico, a un dettagliato disegno CAD 3D della scheda stessa. Con CADStar sviluppiamo la scheda elettronica con un disegno in 2D e in 3D che include tutti i componenti che devono essere inseriti all’interno. In questo modo siamo in grado di identificare le dimensioni della scheda elettronica con l’ingombro di tutti i singoli componenti. È un passaggio fondamentale dello sviluppo delle schede elettroniche perché ci permette di verificare se lo spazio all’interno del prodotto del cliente è sufficiente ad ospitare la scheda elettronica o se dobbiamo rivedere alcune sezioni. L’alta specializzazione dei nostri ingegneri ci permette di sviluppare schede elettroniche in modo rapido ed efficace rispondendo ai requisiti di funzione chiesti dal cliente e rispettando le dimensioni fisiche di ingombro all’interno del prodotto finale.
Nyaklánc - Karkötő - Sterling Divat Nyaklánc - Karkötő

Nyaklánc - Karkötő - Sterling Divat Nyaklánc - Karkötő

Find great deals on Kiara Bijoux Italy for Sterling Silver Charm Necklace in Fashion Necklaces and Pendants. Shop with confidence. This charm necklace is the most popular KIARA BIJOUX ITALY necklace and the perfect way to display your favorite charm - or charm collection! Made from sterling silver with our signature round clasp, this necklace also features our innovative threading system, which makes it easy to screw on KIARA BIJOUX ITALY charms and keep them securely where you want them.
Speciális szerszámok tervezése

Speciális szerszámok tervezése

Progettazione in base alle necessità del cliente di utensili speciali, quali frese elicoidali, punte foratrici, coltelli sagomati.
Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Sidergamma offre l`opportunità di fornire materiale lavorato secondo disegno del cliente.
MAREB QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

MAREB QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The MAREB QUICK COUPLER is made of wear-resistant steels with high mechanical resistance. With this quick coupling you have the possibility of attaching the equipment quickly and safely, it features a manual safety system so as to avoid accidental release of the equipment. The advantages of the MAREB quick coupler are multiple. It is entirely built with high quality materials, is equipped with a double seat fork which creates a greater obstacle to the equipment falling and is equipped with a greasing system incorporated into the wedge. The attachment is also reversible, another factor that determines its simplicity and versatility during use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 10 TON. MAREB15 ADAPTER KIT:CR15 MAREB30 ADAPTER KIT:CR30 MAREB40 ADAPTER KIT:CR40 MAREB50 ADAPTER KIT:CR50 MAREB70 ADAPTER KIT:CR70
UNIVERSAL QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

UNIVERSAL QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The UNIVERSAL QUICK COUPLER allows the coupling and uncoupling of the equipment in a few seconds, significantly increasing the speed in changing tools, making the operator's work easier thanks to the rear hook equipped with self-coupling. Available with either mechanical or hydraulic drive depending on the operating weight of the machinery. The possibility of creating it tailored to the customer's need to use buckets from other machines is available upon request. "MARUM" MODEL:MECHANICAL ACTUATION (0,6-11 TON) "MARUI" MODEL:HYDRAULIC ACTUATION (4,0-11 TON) "MARIF" MODEL:HYDRAULIC ACTUATION (11-50 TON) "MAVI" MODEL:HYDRAULIC ACTUATION (7,6-28 TON)
SCREENING BUCKET MVR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

SCREENING BUCKET MVR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The SCREENING BUCKET, thanks to its powerful rotation, allows you to screen the material, isolating the smallest fragments from the rest. Particularly suitable for selecting the material during excavation, reclaiming land in which there are boulders and debris of various kinds, selecting pebbles taken from watercourses and used for the construction of containment gabions, selecting the excavation product for the reuse of conducted. The bucket is made of Hardox 400: a highly resistant material with invaluable productivity. TON. MACHINE:2,0 - 35 TON.
BLOCK BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

BLOCK BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The BLOCK BUCKET is particularly suitable for moving and loading large boulders and blocks. The bucket can be equipped with welded CAT-type or welded ESCO-type teeth. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:11 - 50 TON.
RIPPER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

RIPPER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The RIPPER teeth are particularly suitable for breaking up and scarifying soil, uprooting roots and extracting stones. Available in various sizes depending on use. TON. MACHINE:1,5 - 50 TON.
DŐLŐ VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

DŐLŐ VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The TILTING BUCKET is particularly suitable for cleaning and leveling ditches, roads and embankments. Tiltable in both directions by 45° with hydraulic drive with 1 or 2 pistons. The attachment is supplied applied to a removable saddle and can also be replaced subsequently. The bucket can be supplied with a reversible bolted underblade to avoid wear of the blade used in construction and has one or more central reinforcement ribs depending on the width. Indispensable for reclamation, cleaning and recovery of slopes in precarious working conditions for the operating machine. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 30 TON.
ROCK BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

ROCK BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The ROCK BUCKET is particularly suitable for medium consistency soils. The structure is reinforced in the points subject to greatest stress and wear, includes reinforcements on the sides, reinforcement bands on the bottom in HB400. The bucket can be equipped with welded CAT-type teeth or welded ESCO-type teeth. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:11 - 50 TON.
DITCH CLEANING HOLLAND BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

DITCH CLEANING HOLLAND BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The DITCH CLEANING HOLLAND BUCKET is particularly suitable for cleaning and leveling ditches, roads and embankments. The "HOLLAND" profile with an elongated shape compared to the standard allows for an increase in load capacity. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:11 - 50 TON.
MAMS QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

MAMS QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The MAMS QUICK COUPLER is made of wear-resistant steel with high mechanical resistance. With this quick coupler you have the possibility of attaching the buckets quickly and safely. This coupling system works thanks to a structure mounted on the bucket itself, on which a superstructure is placed with the attachment suitable for each excavator. This superstructure is hooked onto the bucket by means of a pin and a wedge which is housed in a special seat which prevents it from being released. TON. MACHINE:0,5 - 12 TON. MAMS01 ADAPTER KIT:SW01 - MS01 MAMS03 ADAPTER KIT:SW03 - MS03 MAMS08 ADAPTER KIT:SW08 - MS08
SKELETON BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

SKELETON BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The SKELETON BUCKET is particularly suitable for the selection and separation of inert materials and for their recovery, for a primary selection of materials of various kinds, for land reclamation and cleaning and for a pre-selection of the material resulting from demolition. The light of the grids is determined according to the size of the product requested. All the grids are welded individually and fixed to each other with longitudinal segments to guarantee the solidity of the structure. The bucket can be equipped with welded CAT-type or welded ESCO-type teeth. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 50 TON.
HAMMER SADDLE - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

HAMMER SADDLE - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

EURO BUCKET SRL produces STANDARD SADDLES with perforated plates depending on your equipment, the SADDLE TO SADDLE version is also available. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 50 TON.
DITCH CLEANING BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

DITCH CLEANING BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The DITCH CLEANING BUCKET is particularly suitable for cleaning and leveling ditches, roads and slopes, for the maintenance of water drainage channels in agricultural land, for environmental reclamation works and is recommended for all maintenance work on slopes and of roadsides. The bucket can be supplied with a reversible bolted underblade to avoid wear of the blade used in construction. Various sizes available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 50 TON.
SZABVÁNY VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

SZABVÁNY VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The STANDARD BUCKET is particularly suitable for loading and excavating medium consistency soil, such as soil, sand, gravel, clay. The bucket can be equipped with bolt-on fork-type teeth, welded CAT-type teeth or welded ESCO-type teeth. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 30 TON.
ALTO ADIGE BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

ALTO ADIGE BUCKET - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The ALTO ADIGE BUCKET is a version created with structural characteristics similar to the block bucket which is used in compact terrain with a high percentage of rocky material of significant volume. Ideal application for the arrangement of the bed and banks of mountain rivers. The bucket can be equipped with welded CAT-type teeth or welded ESCO-type teeth. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:1,3 - 10 TON.
DEDICATED QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyors csatlakozók gyártása

DEDICATED QUICK COUPLER - Vödrök és gyors csatlakozók gyártása

The DEDICATED QUICK COUPLER allows the attachment and detachment of the equipment in a few seconds, significantly increasing the speed in changing tools, making the operator's work easier. An adapter is also available which allows the use of all accessories on different manufacturers' brands or to be shaped. "MARMM" MODEL:MECHANIC ACTUATION (0,6-11 TON) "MARIM" MODEL:HYDRAULIC ACTUATION (11-50 TON)
TRAPEZOIDÁLIS VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

TRAPEZOIDÁLIS VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The TRAPEZOIDAL BUCKET is suitable for medium consistency soil, used for the creation and maintenance of ditches and canals. The particular design allows for a perfect finish of the canal banks and the wide range of production allows you to have suitable equipment for every application. On request, bolted fork-type teeth or welded CAT-type teeth can be applied. Different inclinations of the sides available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 38 TON.
NEHÉZ KIVITELŰ VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

NEHÉZ KIVITELŰ VÖDÖR - Vödrök és gyorscsatlakozók gyártása

The HEAVY DUTY BUCKET is particularly suitable for medium consistency soils. It has a reinforced structure in the points subject to greatest stress and wear, features reinforcements on the sides and reinforcement bands on the bottom in HB400. The bucket can be equipped with bolt-on fork-type teeth, welded CAT-type teeth or welded ESCO-type teeth. Various sizes and options available depending on use. TON. MACHINE:0,6 - 50 TON.